Postporn Scene. Disciplinary Overflows in the Postpornographic Artistic Practices


  • Mª Eugenia Romero Baamonde Universidad de Vigo



Postpornography, Scenic, Performance, Sexualities, Gender


This article focuses on the study of the scenic medium used by various postpornographic practices in the Spanish territory that reflect in their work different points of view supported by the use of various disciplinary tools. The stage medium will be used as a battlefield for a discourse that proposes new ways of representing sexuality and gender. This scene in the expanded field will be driven by practices like pornoterrorismo by Diana Torres or the stage experimentation by ArmsIdea, with its Cabaret Borrador Battonz. The stage space overflows the streets, with performances like Oh-Kaña realized by the union of diverse collectives and artists taking to Ramblas of Barcelona a true postpornographic cyberfeminist parade. Artistic disciplines are used as a provisional and flexible framework, in which the guidelines and principles at the time of materializing artistic practice are open to possible negotiation, breaking the usual frameworks of academic disciplines and transgressing the hierarchies of values ​​that, generally, they delegitimize, in teaching, themes such as gender, race and sexuality


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How to Cite

Romero Baamonde, M. E. . (2019). Postporn Scene. Disciplinary Overflows in the Postpornographic Artistic Practices. Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 7(2), 399–423.

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