The Memory of Intimacy: the Voice of Sephardic Poetesses Facing 20th Century Changes


  • Elisa Martín Ortega CSIC , Madrid



Sephardic Women, Historical Memory, Judeo-Spanish Poetry, Holocaust, Intimacy


The construction of the memory of 20th century events represents an interesting example of the emergence of women in the public sphere, as well as their contribution to a privatization of the public space. In this article we analyse such phenomenon from the viewpoint of Sephardic women, studying the writings of several contemporary poets in Judeo-Spanish. Their poems reflect the collapse of the Sephardic traditional communities. The women, who had played a very limited influence in public life and in the literary creation in Judeo-Spanish until the first decades of 20th century, originate their own voice. Hence, they become witnesses of the extinction of their communities, of the Holocaust and its consequences, of war and forced emigration. Their poems offer a specific insight of these events, in which the domestic traits and the cultural heritage received from their mothers and grandmothers hold a fundamental place.


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How to Cite

Martín Ortega, E. . (2014). The Memory of Intimacy: the Voice of Sephardic Poetesses Facing 20th Century Changes. Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 2(1), 173–185.

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