Place of Rage

Dis-Location of the Pariah Position in Albertina Carri's "The Daughters of Fire"




Paria, Albertina Carri, The Daughters of Fire, queer pornography, aesthetic-conceptual figures


The underlying assumption or premise concern the notion of privilege which seems to be included in reverse of the notion of pariah. I propose to reflect on the intersection of the figure of the pariah with the notion of knowledge situated from the political space of the “place of rage” (Halberstam 1993). My question is: how to build a privileged partial perspective without reactivating that Christian and romantic genealogy, or reviving the fantasy of vocation? Some answers may arise from the analysis of the figure of the pariah, its ambivalences and its contemporary variations, within the place of queer/cuir rage opened by the pariah/daughters-of-fire that Albertina Carri builds in her porn film (2018). First of all, following the guidelines of the essay of Varikas (2007) I will return to some observations of Flora Tristan and Hannah Arendt. In a second moment, I propose to specify and contextualize my questioning of the figure of the pariahs from the analysis of Albertina Carri's film, The Daughters of Fire, to suggest the critical productivity of some aesthetic-conceptual figures.



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How to Cite

Soriano, M. (2022). Place of Rage: Dis-Location of the Pariah Position in Albertina Carri’s "The Daughters of Fire". Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 10(1), 145–170.

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