Sex, Gender and Species Defectors

Franz Kafka and Paul B. Preciado




Defector, Species disidentification, Trans, Preciado, Kafka


Yo soy el monstruo que os habla (I Am the Monster Who Speaks to You) by Paul B. Preciado (2020), constitutes a “report”, as its subtitle reads: “Report for an Academy of Psychoanalysts”, on his status as a trans subject. In the emphatic and often poetic style that characterizes Preciado’s writing, his account is mirrored in Franz Kafka’s story “Report for an Academy” (1917). Far from being a simple highbrow reference, Preciado’s text echoes Kafka’s on numerous occasions, to the point that some of its arguments are not clear if they are not contrasted with the source text. Indeed, if we do not read Preciado’s text as a palimpsest in which the traces of what was written previously are preserved, perhaps we cannot easily appreciate the scope of his proposal of “disidentification” which, beyond gender, even reaches that of the human species. This article attempts a comparative reading of I Am the Monster Who Speaks to You and “Report to an Academy”, alongside James Marsh’s documentary Project Nim (2011), in order to contrast them with another form of radical disidentification, no longer of humanity, but of its opposite pole, animality, as it is conceived by Western culture.


Author Biography

Marta Segarra, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Marta Segarra is a Research Professor at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and a member of the Laboratoire d’études de genre et de sexualité‒Research Center on Gender and Sexuality Studies (LEGS) in Paris. She is also a Professor of Gender Studies and French Studies at the University of Barcelona (Spain). She was Visiting Professor/Scholar at Université Paris 8 Vincennes–Saint-Denis, Collège international de Philosophie, Universidad de la Habana, Cornell University, and University of California-Berkeley. Marta Segarra’s current research focuses on gender and sexuality studies, biopolitics, and the posthumanities. Her latest books include: Comunidades con acento (2021), Fils. Cartes sobre el confinament, la vigilància i l’anormalitat (with Ingrid Guardiola, 2020), The World We Need (with Donna Haraway, 2019), and Teoría de los cuerpos agujereados (2014).


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How to Cite

Segarra, M. (2022). Sex, Gender and Species Defectors: Franz Kafka and Paul B. Preciado. Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 10(1), 17–31.

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