Photography, Narration and Postemory in Spain and Argentina. Cristina Fallarás y Mariana Eva Perez


  • Maribel Rams Albuisech Investigadora independiente



Imagetext, Photography, Postmemory, Argentinian Dictatorship, Spanish Civil War


In today’s Hispanic narrative, a presence of photography is observed in intermedial works that propose original ways of conveying the past of the Spanish Civil War and the dictatorships on both sides of the Atlantic. Diario de una princesa montonera. 110% Verdad (2016) by Mariana Eva Perez, and Honrarás a tu padre y a tu madre (2018) by Cristina Fallarás are written from the perspective of the daughter and granddaughter, respectively, marked by the family legacy of the trauma of dictatorial violence. Both authors rescue stories that have had little visibility through the creative appropriation of a series of photographs from the family album that provide a documentary and intimate dimension to their accounts. This article analyzes how the intermediality or the dialogue between the verbal and the visual in these novels promotes a filiative revision of the past, which evokes the absent, undermining the linearity and reliability of the testimonial narrative. Thus, the comparative study of the works by Perez and Fallarás explores the ways in which the interaction of photographs with verbal discourse brings the novel closer to non-fiction and provides a multiplicity of meanings to the photographic image. A close reading of Diario and Honrarás also seeks to answer what are the differences that characterize the memory discourse of the descendants of the disappeared in the Spanish and Argentine contexts.


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How to Cite

Rams Albuisech, M. (2024). Photography, Narration and Postemory in Spain and Argentina. Cristina Fallarás y Mariana Eva Perez. Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 12(1), 9–30.




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