Photographs Incorporation in the Spanish Novel of XXI Century: beyond Illustrated Book


  • Teresa Gómez Trueba Universidad de Valladolid



Intermediality, Iconotext, Illustration, Literature and Photography, Contemporary Spanish Novel


As part of intermedial studies that suggest relationship between text and picture, analysis of complex and baffling relationships between the verbal and the visual, in some recent Spanish novels (Manuel Vilas and Agustín Fernández Mallo, among others), is proposed. In some cases it is played to create an unstable and disconcerting relationship between textual and photographic reference, in other different photos of the same reference are opposed, until make us doubt about stability and accuracy of itself. Hence, it is concluded that, in all analyzed novels, photography will work neither as illustration nor as explanation of the text, but rather as a fundamental part of the metafictional mechanism of work.


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How to Cite

Gómez Trueba, T. (2017). Photographs Incorporation in the Spanish Novel of XXI Century: beyond Illustrated Book. Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 5(1), 83–98.

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