Herocity and Exclusion in Contemporary Fantasy

The Case of Marina Tena's "Brujas de Arena"





Fantasy, Climate fiction, Exclusion, Pariah, Defector


This paper explores the treatment of figures marked by exclusion and liminality in contemporary fantasy, focusing on Marina Tena’s novel Brujas de arena (2021). Using an original textual hybridity, which mixes features of classical fantasy with notes of the so-called climatic fictions, the novel articulates its plot around two figures marked by exclusion (pariahs) that uproot them from any community –both of origin and of possible arrival–; this experience turns them into beings between two worlds (defectors). This allows us to reflect on the mechanisms of oppression of the communities and the possibilities of resistance to it.


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How to Cite

Clúa, I. (2022). Herocity and Exclusion in Contemporary Fantasy : The Case of Marina Tena’s "Brujas de Arena". Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 10(1), 127–143. https://doi.org/10.37536/preh.2022.10.1.1453

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