Fictional Metabiography and Biographical Motifs in the Graphic Novel "Las meninas"


  • Agustín Corti Universität Salzburg



Graphic Novel, (Meta-) Biography, Genre, Fiction, Referentiality


The present paper analyses the genre of the graphic novel Las meninas (García y Olivares 2014) and the use of motives of the artists’ biography. I argue that this graphic narrative is a fictional metabiography that constructs the main character in the margins of the factual discourse of biography and the fictional discourse of the novel. As such it poses the question of the limits of biography from the point of view of a fictional graphic narrative. Nevertheless, it doesn´t abandon the model of the traditional referential artists’ biography, but uses some of its themes and takes advantage of them in a metanarrative to post narratological questions about the status of the work of art and the narrative possibilities of the graphic novel


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How to Cite

Corti, A. (2017). Fictional Metabiography and Biographical Motifs in the Graphic Novel "Las meninas". Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 5(2), 383–403.

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