Women Poets who Dismantle Gender Norms. From Erotic Cannibalism to Pornoterrorism in the Spain of the 21st Century


  • Claire Laguian Université de Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée




Poetry, Pornography, Lesbian and Queer Sexualities, Cannibalism, BDSM, Pornoterrorism


This article focuses on the foray of Spanish lesbian and queer poetry of the 21st century against the poetic and gender conventions, in more than twenty recent collections of pornographic poems. Using the framework of Queer and Gender studies, we examine the poetic modalities of rehabilitation of erotic and lesbian voices, which were occulted by heteropatriarchal norms. The omnipresence of vampiric and cannibal desires and the rewriting of the lesbian body’s own voice lead to an analysis of poetic BDSM subversions performed by the poets. This article also delves into poetic expression of transgressive sexualities inherited from postporn, queer and pornoterrorist movements, the latter being a concept created by activist Diana J. Torres.


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How to Cite

Laguian, C. (2018). Women Poets who Dismantle Gender Norms. From Erotic Cannibalism to Pornoterrorism in the Spain of the 21st Century. Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 6(1), 61–81. https://doi.org/10.37536/preh.2018.6.1.802

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