Literary Technologies: Digital Poetry Meets Orality


  • María Teresa Vilariño Picos Universidade de Santiago de Compostela



Cyberliterature, Multimedia, Orality, Digital Poetry, Performativity


The new digital and electronic media force us to redefine the contrasting notions of orality and literacy, which now move into cyberespace. These technologies are memory machines which help to preserve knowledge, and increase its productivity by means of multimedia codes capable of generating manipulable works which could not be accomplished by the classic media. Those works are often defined by their open and fragmentary nature, allowing interactive and open access, and teamwork in different locations. This article concentrates on digital poetry and its movement back to orality, subverting systematic, rule-bound, linear and ordered spaces in writing.


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How to Cite

Vilariño Picos, M. T. (2013). Literary Technologies: Digital Poetry Meets Orality. Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 1(2), 217–229.

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