Urbicide and Memory in the Short Stories “Noviembre, la madre, 1936” and “Nubes de polvo y humo” by Juan Eduardo Zúñiga


  • Anthony Pasero-O’Malley Davidson College, Davidson




Zúñiga, Short Story, Urbicide, Memory, Space


Juan Eduardo Zúñiga’s short stories about the Spanish Civil War, in which the author places a strong emphasis on the lives of the citizens as they
navigate the chaos of wartime and the destruction of the capital city amidst the bombing, constituted a landmark in literary production on the war since the first collection was published in 1980. Through the theories of urbicide developed by Martin Coward and writings on urban trajectories, this study proposes a close reading of two short stories from Largo noviembre de Madrid in order to explore the stylistic and thematic devices employed by the author. This paper will explore the similarities with other stories of the collection while at the same time emphasizing the particularities and unique qualities of each of the two works chosen. In their physical movements and spatial trajectories through the bombed-out streets and avenues of the city, the protagonists of both stories reaffirm the role of memory in the development of the human psyche. Each step taken as they move through the capital reaffirms the ways in which the personal memories developed in connection to particular spatial and urban locations function as a site of memory and political resistance against erasure.


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How to Cite

Pasero-O’Malley, A. . (2020). Urbicide and Memory in the Short Stories “Noviembre, la madre, 1936” and “Nubes de polvo y humo” by Juan Eduardo Zúñiga. Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 8(2), 359–370. https://doi.org/10.37536/PREH.2020.8.2.18

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