Digressión and Alterity: an Analysis of "False Calm" (2005), by María Sonia Cristoff


  • Yael Natalia Tejero Yosovitch Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET-Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche




Argentine Literature, María Sonia Cristoff, Drigession, Otherness, Chronicle


The present work sets out to analyze the chronicles of False Calm. A Tour of the Ghost Towns of Patagonia (2005), by the argentine writer María Sonia Cristoff. Victims of the dismantling of the railway during the last military dictatorship and the privatization policies of the 90s, the southern towns suffer from territorial disintegration. In this article, we observe the way in which Cristoff approaches the relationship between local communities and the nation as an imagined community (Anderson 2003), the representation of otherness from biopolitical (Giorgi 2014) or postcolonial perspectives (Said 2007) and the dispute over cultural hegemony (Williams 2009). In each of these axes, we analyze the digression (Chambers 1994; Echeverría 2005; Oliver 2016; Atkins 2017) as a procedure that allows the drift towards other texts from which the relationship between chronicle and alterity (Todorov 2007) is defined. Furthermore, we propose an analogy between the movement of deviation and integration that all digressive operations entail and the movements of isolation and territorial integration that are presented in the text as community problems.


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How to Cite

Tejero Yosovitch, Y. N. (2021). Digressión and Alterity: an Analysis of "False Calm" (2005), by María Sonia Cristoff. Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 9(1), 139–162. https://doi.org/10.37536/preh.2021.9.1.1089




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