Poetics of multimodal storytelling in Cuerpos del delito, by Antonio Altarriba and Sergio García





Fusion Text, Multimodality, Illustration, Detachability, Reading


This article stems from the concept of fusion text (Evans) and multimodal discourse in order to study the formal features of the book by Antonio Altarriba and Sergio García, Cuerpos del delito published in 2017. In this particular fusion text we can see different discursive levels, which have different ways of textual cohesion that demand, in turn, different ways of reading. The text is based on repetitions, symmetries and the use of tobacco as leitmotiv; on the graphic level, Sergio García puts into practice his theoretical ideas about multilinear narratives and container of stories. The singularity of this book comes from the idea that its components can be detachable but, in fact, are harmonically bound together in a complementary way in order not to produce redundant repetitions. Sergio García’s illustrations, that are embedded in Antonio Altarriba’s text, act as a bridge between the two discursive levels assuming a new structural function.



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How to Cite

Trabado Cabado, J. M. (2023). Poetics of multimodal storytelling in Cuerpos del delito, by Antonio Altarriba and Sergio García. Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 11(1), 193-216. https://doi.org/10.37536/preh.2023.11.1.1509