Author Guidelines


Pasavento welcomes contributions written in Spanish. The journal's interests cover different areas of written and audiovisual culture (prose fiction, poetry, theatre, cinema, graphic novel) created in Spain and Latin America since 1975. The editors of Pasavento will consider only original manuscripts not published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

If, after positive evaluation, the texts do not comply with the following guidelines, the manuscripts will be rejected for publication.

Every contribution will be sent in a digital format via the journal’s website. Authors have to register in order to send us their work.  During the registration it is essential to include the ORCID as well as the DOI number for bibliographic references. The authors must accept the referees’ recommendations and adapt their manuscripts to ortotypographic Pasavento rules.

If you have previously published one or more articles in the journal, at least two years must elapse between the last date of acceptance and the submission of a new proposal. Two papers from the same author will not be accepted at the same time.

Lenght and formatting

  • The maximum length of articles is 10.000 words, including abstracts, keywords, footnotes and bibliography.
  • Submissions will be sent via our website (authors have to register first) and will adhere to the following formatting guidelines:
    • Works will be sent as Microsoft Word files.
    • The font type is Times New Roman, font size 12.
    • Line spacing 1,5 cm; without blank lines left between paragraphs.
    • The first line should be indented by 1,25 cm.
    • Images are required to have a high-resolution (300dpi).

Initial page formatting

The initial page of the article should include only the following elements:

  • Title of the article in Spanish and English.
  • Summary, with an extension of 200-250 words in Spanish and English.
  • Between three and five keywords in Spanish and English.

Typographic rules 

Textual quotes of more than three lines should appear in a separate paragraph with special indentation. Each quoted reference should be integrated into the text in parentheses (author data: page). When citing more than one work by the same author, add a letter to the year (a, b, c…) both in textual quote and bibliography at the end of the document. If the quoted source has been written by two authors, both should be mentioned in parentheses joint by "y" conjunction.

If author has been quoted within the text, his or her name could be omitted, as the next examples show:

...como afirma Fernando Cabo, “en Memoria de la nieve encontramos, pues, el esfuerzo de la memoria por regresar al tiempo hundido” (1986: 280).

“En Memoria de la nieve encontramos, pues, el esfuerzo de la memoria por regresar al tiempo hundido” (Cabo 1986: 280).

At the end of the article, contributors should include a section of WORKS CITED including the name of the authors in alphabetical order, according to the next standards:


In the final list of Works Cited the names and surnames of the authors should not be omitted, even if they are repeated in different citations.

For example:

Robin, Régine (1996). Le Golem de l’écriture. De l’autofiction au cybersoi. Montréal: XYZ.

Rogin, Régine (2005). “La autoficción: el sujeto que siempre falta”, in Identidades, sujetos y subjetividades, comp. Leonor Arfuch. Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 45-58

Surname, Name (Year). Title. Place of edition: Publisher.
Surname, Name, and Name Surname (Year). Title. Place of edition: Publisher.
Surname, Name, and Name Surname (eds.) (Year). Title. Place of edition: Publisher.

Longolius, Sonia (2016). Performing Authorship. Strategies of ‘Becoming an Author’ in the Works of Paul Auster, Candice Breitz, Sophie Calle, and Jonathan Safran Foer. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.


Surname, Name (year). “Title”, in Volume’s tittle, ed. Name and Surname. Place of edition: Publisher, pages.


Maingueneau, Dominique (2016). “El ethos: un articulador”, in Los papeles del autor/a. Marcos teóricos sobre la autoría literaria, ed. Aina Pérez Fontdevila y Meri Torras Francés. Madrid: Arco Libros, 131-154.

Surname, Name (year). “Title”, Journal’s name, number: pages.


Manzoni, Celina (2011). “Violencia escrituraria, marginalidad y nuevas estéticas”, Hipertexto, 14: 57-70.

Surname, Name (year). “Title”, Name of the web page or digital journal. <http://www. [URL]> (date of the page’s visit).


Ingenschay, Dieter (2010). “Exilio, insilio y diáspora. La literatura cubana en la época de las literaturas sin residencia fija”, Ángulo Recto. Revista de estudios sobre la ciudad como espacio plural, 2. <> (30 de octubre de 2020).


Surname, Name (year). Title. Non-published dissertation. University.


Cruz Tienda, Ada (2015). Los inicios de lo fantástico en la televisión española. Historias para no dormir y su herencia audiovisual (1966-1976). Tesis doctoral inédita. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.



Director’s Surname(s), Name (dir.) (Year). Title in the original language (Translated Title if a version in a different language is used). Film producer: Country.



Creator’s Surname(s), Name (cr.) (Year).  Title in the original language (Translated Title if a version in a different language is used). Film producer, Year of the first season – year of the last season (do not include the last date if the series is still being shot).


DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

If the bibliographic references have a DOI, the authors must indicate it at the end of the citation:

Surname, Name (año). “Title”, Journal Title, number: pages. DOI: reference.

To check which references have this identifier, you can copy and paste the complete list of bibliographic entries into the following application:


Pasavento. Revista de etudios hispánicos does not consider for publication book reviews not solicited by the editors. If you want the Editorial Board to consider a review (even if you are an author or an editor), please send a proposal to our mail address ( or send a copy to our postal address. If the Editorial Board would decide to review the book, we will assign the work to a relevant researcher. The book proposed should have been published at most twelve months before the proposal is received