Glory and Ruin of ’92: the “Pasteurization” of Urban Spaces in Sabotaje Olímpico by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán and Grupo 7 by Alberto Rodríguez


  • Fernando Sánchez López The Ohio State University



1992, Noir Novel, Neo-Noir, Sabotaje Olímpico, Grupo 7


In this paper, we seek to build bridges between the transitional noir novel and Spanish neo-noir by comparing their critiques of the events of 1992. Both the noir novel of the Transition –which echoes the post-Franco social disenchantment– and contemporary film noir –in dialogue with the effects of the 2008 crisis and political corruption– are relevant vehicles for questioning the triumphalist visions of 1992, an unavoidable year for understanding the links between the country's past and present. Applied to the Spanish context, David Harvey’s concepts of “capitalist urbanization” in conjunction with Zygmunt Bauman’s “wasted humans” offer an essential framework for understanding the representation of urban change in the works being analyzed. On the one hand, in Sabotaje olímpico (Vázquez Montalbán 1993), the author discusses what he calls the “pasteurized city”: the elimination of any pathogenic agent that does not fit into the new urban design of Barcelona. On the other hand, in Grupo 7 (Rodríguez 2012), we observe firsthand the same process of “pasteurization” from the point of view of a corrupt and violent police brigade in charge of “cleaning” Seville of drugs before the upcoming celebration of the International Exposition. The analysis of both works demonstrates a fruitful dialogue between artistic disciplines that encourages reflection on different national-transnational models of the noir genre in Spain.



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How to Cite

Sánchez López, F. (2024). Glory and Ruin of ’92: the “Pasteurization” of Urban Spaces in Sabotaje Olímpico by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán and Grupo 7 by Alberto Rodríguez. Pasavento. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, 12(1), 67–88.


