Venezuelan migrants in Spain




digital discourse analysis, collocations, Spain, Venezuela, triangulation of quantitative and qualitative methods


Venezuela is experiencing an unprecedented exodus as a result of ongoing political, economic and humanitarian crises. While the majority of emigrants remain in neighbouring Latin American countries, the US and Europe are also among the preferred destinations. The way migrants are covered in the media shapes public opinion and has an impact on their integration into society. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to examine the coverage of Venezuelan migrants in the Spanish press in a timeframe from 2015 to 2020. For this purpose, a linguistic discourse analysis is conducted. The results contrast with the current state of research. With the help of the sociological "othering"-theory and the concept of the so-called "aporofobia", it is possible to explain how the image of good (and "bad") migrants is discursively constructed.


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How to Cite

Issel-Dombert, S. (2021). Venezuelan migrants in Spain. Language & Migration, 13(2).

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