La Editorial Universidad de Alcalá participa del compromiso institucional de la Universidad de Alcalá con el acceso abierto al conocimiento para contribuir de este modo a promover el intercambio global de conocimiento, apostando por la edición de revistas electrónicas en acceso libre y descarga directa.


  • Anuario IELAT (Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Estudios Latinoamericanos)

    El Anuario IELAT (Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Estudios Latinoamericanos) es una publicación enmarcada en el contexto de los Estudios Globales que propone trabajos de carácter transdisciplinar y comparativo sobre los principales retos y desafíos en América Latina y Europa. 


  • Lingüística en la Red

    Lingüística en la Red, an annual publication, was created with the intention of fulfilling several aims. First, to promote, maintain and consolidate a linguistics journal that would show the development of both theoretical and applied facets of the subject area. In this respect, we are fully aware that, on occasions, the topics pertaining  specifically to one or the other may hamper a global vision of this science and that sometimes it is difficult even to identify the very existence of applied linguistics as an independent field of study. However, these epistemiological problems do not impede the publication of a journal in which there will be a place for articles dealing with the present state of the question with regard to some topics of theoretical linguistics, discussing a specific point of linguistic theory or explaining an issue, in relation to one or more languages, from the theoretical approach held by any of the linguistic methodologies in use today, be they formal or functional. Likewise, Lingüística en la Red will include articles which present the results of research concerning the practical application of theoretical knowledge, either from a general perspective or from the perspective of the analysis of a specific language.

  • Encuentro Journal

    First published in 1989, the journal Encuentro forms part of the “Encuentro Project” for training second and foreign language teachers. The Project came into being in the wake of an analysis of the state of language teaching in the province of Guadalajara, Spain. One outcome of the project was the staging of thirteen “Language Teacher Encounters” between 1987 and 2003, intended mainly for primary and secondary level teachers.

  • Estudios Bizantinos

    The journal Estudios bizantinos aims to be a research communication tool at the service of the community of scholars of the Byzantine world. Since its creation in 2013 by the Spanish Society of Byzantine Studies, its general objective is that of promoting Byzantine Studies in Spanish-speaking countries and aims to become the reference publication in this linguistic area. Since 2022, thanks to the decisive support of the Publications Service of the University of Alcalá, the journal Estudios bizantinos is also published in print. In short, it is a publication that aspires nowadays to become one of the key scientific journals for research in this area of studies.

  • REDEN. Revista Española de Estudios Norteamericanos

    REDEN (Revista Española de Estudios Norteamericanos, ISSN: 2695-4168) is an open access interdisciplinary, academic, double blind peer-reviewed journal. In 2021 it was relaunched focusing on the study of the US popular culture manifestations and the representations of the United States in popular culture.

    The journal accepts both regular and special dossier submissions. Deadlines are: April 15 (for the November issue), October 15 (for the May issue).

    REDEN welcomes research papers written in English from any academic perspective and field, encouraging multidisciplinary and intersectional analysis of popular culture texts and multimodal cultural expressions—as well as their publics and reception—conveyed by means such as film, comics and graphic novels, TV and web series, videogames, new media, music, genre fiction, and so forth. 
    Book reviews must refer to monographs and edited volumes focused on topics fitting with the journal's scope, published in the past three years (or less recent books if put in perspective critically).

    The journal is based at the Instituto Franklin–UAH (published by the Publishing Service of the Universidad de Alcalá) and promoted by the PopMeC Association for US Popular Culture Studies, with the aim of fostering academic research in the fields of  American and Popular Culture studies.

  • Recursos para el Aula de Español: investigación y enseñanza

    Recursos para el Aula de Español: investigación y enseñanza es una revista de carácter anual que acoge contribuciones de diferente tipo en sus secciones Sala de lectura (artículos científicos y de revisión relacionados con la enseñanza del español), Aula (recursos para el aula de español) y Biblioteca de medios (reseñas, noticias bibliográficas, materiales multimedia…); publica, además, al menos una monografía al año dedicada a algunos de los principales aspectos del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del español a niños y adolescentes.

    Recursos para el Aula de Español aúna la investigación y la enseñanza ofreciendo al lector la posibilidad de descargar contenidos que podrá aplicar a la práctica diaria del aula, adaptar a sus necesidades y emplear para la actualización de sus conocimientos, la creación de sus propios materiales y la autoevaluación de su práctica docente.

    La revista estará dirigida a estudiantes, investigadores y profesionales de la educación que se encuentren interesados en el campo de la enseñanza de la lengua española.

  • Quodlibet. Revista de Especialización Musical

    eISSN: 2660-4582 DOI: 10.37536/QREM

    The Quodlibet Journal of Musical Specialisation was started in 1995 within the Courses of Musical Specialisation promoted by the Music Hall of the UAH. Quodlibet has been an online biannual journal (July and December) since 2020, that publishes articles on the areas of different musical disciplines and musicologies, encompassing history, pedagogy, analysis, sources, performance, organology, aesthetics, iconography, and other topics of interest for the musical profession. In addition, they will publish monographs, book reviews, musical editions, and congresses.
    Quodlibet’s objective is to promote the investigation and dissemination of knowledge of the Musical Sciences: it is intended for those in a musical profession, and any person interested in the study and reflection on music in all its fields.
    The submitted works must be original, unpublished and should not be in the process of evaluation for publication in any other way. Some articles already published can be included at a later stage, if considered of proven interest.

    The Quodlibet Journal of Musical Specialisation is published by  Editorial Universidad de Alcalá.

  • Pasavento. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos

    Pasavento. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos is an academic journal addressed to a specialized reader and researcher, and opened to different artistic expressions (narrative, poetry, theatre, cinema, comic) that had been created in Spain and Spanish America since 1975.

    For more information, see our section About the journal

  • Language & migration

    ISSN: 1889-5425   eISSN: 2660-7166   

    DOI: 10.37536/LYM


    LENGUA Y MIGRACIÓN (LANGUAGE & MIGRATION) publishes original, theoretical, empirical and methodological articles, which analyze the linguistic and communicative reality of migration, considering the study of all the social and linguistic elements that concur in the process of sociolinguistic integration, including acquisition of second language.

    LENGUA Y MIGRACIÓN (LANGUAGE AND MIGRATION) publishes articles that study sociolinguistic and sociological aspects related to the migratory processes in any region or community of the world, as well as processes where speakers of different or same languages are implied.

    LENGUA Y MIGRACIÓN (LANGUAGE AND MIGRATION) publishes articles of different linguistic specialties works of sociolinguistics and sociology of the language, studies on descriptive linguistics, pragmatics, discourse analyses, conversational analyses and other matters interested in language and migration. Articles interested in learning, education and contrast of languages, second or foreign ones, are of a special interest. In the same way, the journal leaves space for the intercultural and cross-cultural studies as long as they have migration as an object.