About the Journal

Lingüística en la Red, an annual publication, was created with the intention of fulfilling several aims. First, to promote, maintain and consolidate a linguistics journal that would show the development of both theoretical and applied facets of the subject area. In this respect, we are fully aware that, on occasions, the topics pertaining  specifically to one or the other may hamper a global vision of this science and that sometimes it is difficult even to identify the very existence of applied linguistics as an independent field of study. However, these epistemiological problems do not impede the publication of a journal in which there will be a place for articles dealing with the present state of the question with regard to some topics of theoretical linguistics, discussing a specific point of linguistic theory or explaining an issue, in relation to one or more languages, from the theoretical approach held by any of the linguistic methodologies in use today, be they formal or functional. Likewise, Lingüística en la Red will include articles which present the results of research concerning the practical application of theoretical knowledge, either from a general perspective or from the perspective of the analysis of a specific language.