publication criteria

Guidelines for contributors

1. AUTHORS can submit an article or book review following the procedure stated in this link. The article submitted must be anonymised and follow Language and Migration author guidelines (sample article).

2. MANUSCRIPT submissions should be accompanied by a biographical note (50-75 words), as well the title, an abstract (100-150 words), and a list of keywords, in both English and Spanish. Also it should be sent the author(s) full name and the academic filiation (including full address), and the ORCID id. Contributions should be approximately 8000 words, excepting special issues.

3. Authors are responsible for observing the laws of COPYRIGHT when quoting or reproducing material from other sources. The copyright to articles published in the journal is held by the Publisher. Permissions for the author to use the article elsewhere will not be withheld unreasonably, upon written request.

4. Each (first named) author of main articles will receive a complimentary copy of the issue.

5. You can contact us at our email

Our address:
Dr. Florentino Paredes García
Departamento de Filología
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad de Alcalá
28801 – Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)

6. The editors will not consider manuscripts which are under consideration by other publishers. It is assumed that once you have submitted an article to this journal, it will not be sent to other publishers until a decision about inclusion has been made. Only by special arrangement will the editors consider previously published material.

7. The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

8. For its final publication, papers are submitted to the report of two anonymous external reviewers (ad hoc) (peer review system), who may be three in case of disagreement. 
The review process can take between two and four months. The result of the evaluation can be: 1. "To accept in its current state", 2. "To accept with minor revision", 3. "Back to submit to a major review" or 4. "Reject in its current state". The articles will be published when they have obtained two evaluations with 1. "Accept in their current state" .

9. We recommend the use of gender-inclusive language. Some guidelines for such a language can be found here.

As part of its policy, LENGUA Y MIGRACIÓN (LANGUAGE AND MIGRATION) strictly adheres to COPE publication ethics and publication malpractice statement.