

It is the prerogative of the Editorial Board to decide whether the content of the original is appropriate to the profile and objectives of the journal and to refuse to evaluate the original accordingly.

To be accepted for evaluation:

·Originals must be submitted through the online OJS platform.
·Originals must be completely novel: they may not include content that appears in other publications, either their own or those of others, or are programmed as part of research to be published at a later date.
·The research submitted must be complete in itself: it cannot be a preliminary study or a state of the question. They must have a specific object of study and present novel conclusions.
·Published articles must be more than a printed text and use hyperlinks to digital content with guaranteed permanence to expand their contents and facilitate their reading.
·Articles submitted for publication in the OJS System must use Unicode fonts, include and use a bibliography appropriate to the topic, and be carefully presented and organized internally. Articles with poorly cited bibliography, incorrect spelling, confusing expressions due to being written in a language with which the author is not sufficiently familiar will not be accepted for evaluation.

Once accepted for review, the article, without the author's name, will be sent to two blind peer reviewers, who will issue a report within a maximum desirable period of 8 weeks. The process of double blind review will result in a report concluding if the article is:

·accepted with major changes (which will lead to a second evaluation, which may be performed by a different evaluator)
·accepted with minor changes or no changes

Once the report is received, the author has a maximum desirable period 4 of  weeks to carry out the required changes, minor or major respectively.
If conflict of interest or irreconcilable positions are detected in the evaluations that prevent an objective evaluation, the process will restart with the search for a new evaluator. If the author and the evaluators or the evaluators among themselves do not agree, the editor of the journal will have the last word and the author cannot complain if he/she does not agree with the final decision.
The author will know at all times at what stage of the process his original is at. If, six months after submission, the article still does not have a definitive evaluation, the author may complain to the Editorial Board. After the reply he has the right to withdraw the original.

The articles will be published on the website of the Publications Service of the University of Alcalá in pdf format, with the abstract and the corresponding keywords, and, from issue 10 (2022), also in the printed version of the journal, a copy of which will be sent to the author. 


Due to the importance of digital preservations, the journal adheres to the policy of the University of Alcalá and all the articles are kept in the Digital Library of UAH at the official online deposit. Additionally, all articles will be available at and