Ethical Statement and Malpractice Statement

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The Editorial Board of Estudios Bizantinos declares its commitment to ethical conduct and a rejection of malpractice in its editorial process, so as to maintain standards of scientific quality and excellence in the field of its specialty, as stated in the general information about the journal. To this end, it adheres to the code established by the Committee on Publication Ethics [CoPE] (Core Practices) ( and takes into account the ethical policies suggested by Elsevier ( The review explicitly adheres to the 16 points of the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, stated below, which it scrupulously complies.

Estudios Bizantinos expresses its clearest rejection of plagiarism or scientific fraud in the scientific articles under evaluation, as well as redundant, overlapping or multiple publication practices, either in whole or in part. If such cases are detected in the original articles submitted for evaluation, they will be immediately rejected and, if they are detected in articles already published, the authors will be requested to modify them or, in cases of greater scope, their publication will be eliminated. The Editorial Board of the journal is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors of the papers, although Byzantine Studies is a publication open to debate articles, as a response to previous publications, within the scientific exchange of opinions, without personal references and respecting good academic practices.

The originals will be evaluated by a double blind peer review system and, for this purpose, specialists in the subject of the article will be used, discarding those experts who may present possible conflicts of interest with the subject of the research or with the authors. Those evaluations in which any reviewer cites as an argument the need to cite his/her own research as an indication of quality will be rejected and, in case of doubt in the double review, a triple review will be used when so considered by the Editorial Board. Editorial decisions will be appropriate to the quality and scientific originality of the papers, as well as to the line of the journal and compliance with its editorial standards; in no case will reasons unrelated to the scientific debate (ethnicity, ideology, sex, gender or sexual choice, nationality or academic affiliation) be used to evaluate the papers.

Anti-plagiarism policy

Estudios Bizantinos maintains a policy that guarantees the originality of all its articles through the use of anti-plagiarism software provided by the collaborating universities (in this case Turnitin). This tool makes it possible to detect coincidences or similarities between the originals submitted to the journal and works previously published in other sources. The editorial team will randomly submit fragments of the originals submitted to anti-plagiarism review before proceeding to their formal review and evaluation. In case of detecting a possible plagiarism practice, the article will be discarded for publication and the authors will be informed.

Principles of Transparency

  1. Name of journal: Estudios Bizantinos. Unique and not easily confused with another journal. Not misleading for potential authors
  2. Website properly supported and maintained, with best ethical practices and all the requirements regarding aims and scope, target, authorship criteria,ISSNs
  3. Publishing schedule. The journal’s publishing frequency –annual– is clearly.
  4. Archiving. The journal's plan for electronic backup is describe on the website.
  5. Copyright. The copyright terms for published content are clearly stated on the website and in the content.
  6. Licensing information is clearly described as well as the Open Access policy.
  7. Publication ethics and related editorial policies. The journal has policies on publication ethics displayed on a section of the website..
  8. Peer review. The journal is peer reviewed and all the peer review procedures are clearly stated in the regulations.
  9. Access. All online content is freely accesible. Printed version as well.
  10. Ownership and management. Information about the ownership and management of a journal is clearly indicated on the journal's website.
  11. Advisory body. The journal has an editorial board of recognised experts in our subject áreas.
  12. Editorial team/contact information. The journals provides the full names and affiliations of its editors as well as contact information.
  13. Author fees. No author fees are charged, as it is clearly stated.
  14. Other revenue. The journal is financed exclusively by the publishers, Universidad de Alcalá and Sociedad Española de Bizantinística.
  15. Advertising. The journal does not accept advertising.
  16. Direct marketing. No marketing activities are conducted on behalf of the journal.