Against the old, bearded man who thinks he is wise because of his beard. Theodore Prodromus’ Byzantine versified satire (141 H). Text, translation and study


  • Pablo Cavallero Academia Argentina de Letras



Bizancio, sátira, Pródromos, tradición, Κατὰ μακρογενείου γέροντος


It is offered here a Spanish translation of Κατὰ μακρογενείου γέροντος, with introduction, notes and interpreting commentary; it is highlighted that this work represents the genre satura in Byzantium, according to a large tradition assumed by the 'classicism' of the XIIth century, that is represented also by Ἀμαθής, Κατὰ φιλοπόρνου γραός and Φιλοπλάτων; these works have similarities with Κατὰ μακρογενείου γέροντος, especially about their central theme: the opposition between 'to be' and 'to appear'.


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How to Cite

Cavallero, P. (2023). Against the old, bearded man who thinks he is wise because of his beard. Theodore Prodromus’ Byzantine versified satire (141 H). Text, translation and study. Estudios Bizantinos, 11.


