The Greek manuscripts of the Library of the Monastery of SS. Salvatore in Bologna. First approach with means of the inventories.


  • Paola Degni Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna


Greek manuscripts, History of libraries, inventories of manuscripts, Italian scribes of Greek texts, Italian Renaissance


This contribution offers an analysis of the most ancient manuscript inventories relative to the Greek manuscripts of the Agostinian monastery of SS. Salvatore in Bologna. The library of this monastery flourished mainly during the 16th century thanks to purchases of Greek and Latin manuscripts made in Venice by Pellegrino Fabretti or Fabri. Afterwards, its collection continued to grow up through the transcription activity of some of its most skilled monks. Among the most gifted in Greek writing and prolific in the manuscript copy was Valeriano Albini. The essay pro-poses an analytical description of the inventories in order to offer a synoptic list of the ancient and modern call numbers of the Greek manuscripts.


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How to Cite

Degni, P. (2015). The Greek manuscripts of the Library of the Monastery of SS. Salvatore in Bologna. First approach with means of the inventories. Estudios Bizantinos, 3, 189–206. Retrieved from


