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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines (see below).

Author Guidelines


The originals must be sent to this platform. They should not exceed 100,000 characters with spaces. They should include keywords and an abstract of 100-125 words, always in English as well as in Spanish or French.
The originals submitted for publication must use Unicode fonts, include and use a separate bibliography, appropriate to the subject, be presented and organized internally in a careful way. Articles with incorrectly cited bibliography, incorrect spelling, confusing expression because they are written in a language with which the author is not sufficiently familiar will not be accepted for evaluation.
Please consider these guidelines before submitting. Manuscripts can be approved before being adapted to the style standards of the journal, but the bibliography should appear at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, and references in the body of the article should always be made in footnotes, with indication of author, year and page, according to the recommended citation mode (below).

Publication guidelines

The journal has two sections: articles and reviews. The maximum length of articles will be 22,000 words, including notes and bibliography. The maximum length of reviews will be 5,000 words, including notes and bibliography. Exceptional cases will be considered.

  • Articles should be accompanied by an English translation of the title and an equally bilingual abstract and keywords. The bibliography cited in notes according to editorial standards will appear at the end of the text. Finally, the dates of submission and acceptance of the article should be added.
  • Reviews include at the bottom the author's name and surname, e-mail address and the university or center to which he/she belongs should appear at the beginning of the review. The reviews should be headed with the complete bibliographic record of the book reviewed, according to the following model:
    • Juan Signes Codoñer, Carmen Codoñer Merino y Arantxa Domingo Malvadi. Biblioteca y epistolario de Hernán Núñez de Guzmán (El Pinciano): una aproximación al humanismo español del siglo XVI. CSIC 2001.

All contributions, both articles and reviews, should be submitted in Word, Times New Roman 12 pt (10 pt for footnotes), single spaced. They must follow the following citation models.

Citation examples:

  • A. Munitiz, “Synoptic Greek Accounts of the Seventh Council”, REB 32 (1974) 147-186.
  • Wickham, Framing the Early Middle Ages. Europe and the Mediterranean, 400-800, Oxford 2005.
  • A. Munitiz, “Two Stories from the Monidia”, en C. Laga, J. A. Munitiz, L. van Rompay (eds.), After Chalcedon: Studies in Theology and Church History offered to Prof. Albert Van Roey (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 18), Leuven 1985, 233-253.

For references to passages of classical authors in abbreviations, follow those used in A Greek English Lexicon (Liddell-Scott-Jones), the DGE and the TLG for Greek authors and A Latin Dictionary (Lewis-Short) for Latin authors. For biblical books of both the Old and New Testaments, the Chicago abbreviation system is recommended. For patristic texts, the abbreviations found in the Patrologia Graeca or the Patrologia Latina may be used.

See the following indications for journals cited in abbreviated form.

Footnotes must follow this citation examples and can abbreviate the aforementioned bibliographic items quoting the author's surname and the summarized title, with reference to the first note where it is mentioned: Heiberg, Claudii Ptolemaei opera [cit. n. 7].

The style guidelines of the journal are adapted to the language in which the text is written: English originals may follow the guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Style, Spanish originals those of Martínez de Sousa, Manual de Estilo de la lengua española.
The graphic material to be added should not be included in the word file but in separate files. It must be properly credited and defined and have a standard quality of at least 300 dpi. Tables and figures must be in vector format. Footnotes and credits should be included in the text and it should be specified where it is preferable to place them.


Once accepted for evaluation, the original will be sent to two evaluators. This will conclude if the article is:

  • rejected
  • accepted with major changes (which will lead to a second evaluation, which may be carried out by a different reviewer)
  • accepted with minor changes or no changes

In the case of being accepted with minor changes or without changes, the Editorial Board will make an exhaustive revision of the original and will propose all kinds of improvements. The author will have a period of 4-8 weeks to incorporate the modifications and prepare the manuscript for publication in compliance with the citation, presentation and style standards of the journal. The author will have previously signed that if the manuscript does not meet these standards, the original will not be published.
In the case of acceptance with major changes, the author must incorporate the modifications within 8 weeks; the reviewers must then review the original manuscript a second time within 2 weeks, decide whether the requirements formulated in the initial evaluation have been met, and inform the editorial director accordingly. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author will have 2 weeks to adapt the text to the journal's style and presentation guidelines. The author must know in advance that if the manuscript does not comply with the rules of presentation, citation, style, etc., the original will not be published.
The author will know at all times at what stage of the process his or her manuscript is at. If, six months after submission, the manuscript still does not have a definitive evaluation, the author may complain to the Editorial Board.


The section Articles contains research contributions submitted and accepted after the double blind peer review process, according to the journal regulations and the applicable publishing guidelines.


The section Reviews contains publication criticism related to the journal scopes, submitted and accepted after the double blind peer review process, according the journal regulations and the applicable publication guidelines.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.