Few words are sufficient: semantic variation of taboo as an index of stylistic practice


  • Andrea Pizarro Pedraza




linguistic taboo, semantic variation, variationist sociolinguistics, Third Wave, stylistic practice, sexual concepts


The unique characteristics of taboo from a semantic and sociolinguistic point of view make it a very powerful tool for the construction of social meaning. Although studies in Hispanic variationist sociolinguistics have increased in recent years, there are few interpretations of the variation of taboo as a stylistic resource for speakers to situate themselves in the social space. However, as far as taboo as a semantic variable is concerned, few words are enough for speakers to construct social meanings: through the results of two statistical models on the same corpus of sexual concepts and the qualitative analysis of examples, the potential of these concepts for the stylistic practice of speakers will be explained. The position taken regarding taboo (naming it or not) serves as an index of local social categories related to modesty and its ideological meanings.


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