Didáctica de la secuencia textual argumentativa. Análisis y reflexiones metodológicas





discursive competence, argumentative text, text cohesion, text coherence; discourse markers and morfolexical resources., discursive competence, argumentative text, text cohesion, text coherence, discourse markers, morfolexical resources


The aim os this article is to show how the linguistic fragmentation, typical of the Communicative Approach, affects negatively the acquisition of the discursive strategies that a ELE learner must master to produce argumentative texts. To answer this question, we base our study on the characterization of the linguistic and discursive mechanisms of the argumentative texts made by Cuenca (1995) and we have analyzed their presence and treatment in different handbooks and workbooks for to the B2 level, according to the Instituto Cervantes’s inventory (2006). The results show that practice and exercises are centered almost exclusively on elements of textual cohesion, whilst other prototypical aspects of argumentative text are left aside.


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