Immigrants' knowledge of Spanish and their integration in education: challenges, potential conflicts and responses




inmigrant, language, education, Madrid, conflict


The increase in the volume of the immigrant population is a source of wealth and potential conflicts for the states and regions that experience it at the same time. These conflicts, which can occur in all areas, also occur in the educational sphere and from an early age. One factor that can contribute significantly to reducing the potential for conflict is a good knowledge of the language of the host country, something to which the education system also has much to contribute. In these pages we will try to analyse the potential for conflict and the measures to try to prevent/reduce it in the educational sphere in the territory of the Autonomous Community of Madrid.


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How to Cite

Abad Quintanal, G. (2022). Immigrants’ knowledge of Spanish and their integration in education: challenges, potential conflicts and responses. Language & Migration, 14(1).