
  • Javier De Ponga Mayo Universidad Isabel I.



dramatic play, foreign language, communicative competence


The use of drama, or more specifically dramatic play, is not precisely a recent resource, since it was used in the Middle Ages in Europe to explain passages from the Bible to the majority of the population who could not read or write. Currently, the teaching of a foreign language is an crucial requirement in any education system, however, the levels of acquisition of it do not always meet the expectations at the end of the Elementary Education, especially in oral skills, that is why one needs to adapt teaching to the psycho-evolutionary necessities of our students and promote a constant motivation that favors an appropriate communicative competence taking into account the years and time invested in teaching-learning a foreign language. In the case of the Elementary Education stage, we must ensure that we have the correct tools to reach the students. Throughout this paper, we propose the use of dramatic play as a means of maintaining motivation and improving teaching-learning and the communicative competence of a foreign language in the Elementary Education stage, through the activities that have been put forward in this paper we aim the development of communication, especially in oral skills.


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How to Cite

De Ponga Mayo, J. (2021). THE USE OF DRAMA AND PLAY IN PRIMARY EDUCATION. Encuentro Journal, 29, 34-49.


