No. 22 (2024): CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic

Conversation with Antonio Altarriba: Capital reference of comic theory in Spain

Published 2024-07-08


  • Antonio Altarriba; Doctoral Thesis; La narración figurativa: La España del tebeo; Neuróptica.

How to Cite

Gracia Lana, J. (2024). Conversation with Antonio Altarriba: Capital reference of comic theory in Spain. CuCo, Cuadernos De cómic, (22), 180–193.


We interviewed Antonio Altarriba (Zaragoza, 1952). Retired Professor of French Literature at the University of the Basque Country and National Comic Award winner with Kim in 2010 for El arte de volar. We focus on his theoretical production: he defended the second doctoral thesis dedicated to the medium in our country, recently published thanks to Ediciones Marmotilla. He has signed works such as La España del tebeo, republished in 2022 within the Grafikalismos collection (University of León) and directed the reference magazine Neuróptica. We talked about the validity of his theoretical concepts about comics, the arrival of Artificial Intelligence or his look at theory as a screenwriter and as president of El arte de volar Foundation.


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  3. ALTARRIBA, Antonio y REMESAR, Antoni. Comicsarías: ensayo sobre una década de historieta española (1977-
  4. . Barcelona, Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias (PPU), 2002.
  5. ALTARRIBA, Antonio. La España del Tebeo. La Historieta Española de 1940 a 2000. Madrid, Espasa Calpe,
  6. —«Antonio Altarriba» [página web]. 2017. Disponible en
  7. —La España del Tebeo. León, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de León, 2022.
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  9. francesa. Alcalá de Henares, Ediciones Marmotilla, 2022.
  10. ANASAGASTI AGUIRRE, María et al. «Notas previas y catálogo inicial para el estudio de la fotonovela en
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