No. 22 (2024): CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic

The fall of the Iron Curtain through the eyes of a young Jewish man from Prague: analysis of Jonas Fink. Una vida interrumpida (ed. 2019), by Vittorio Giardino

Antonio Jesús Pinto Tortosa
Universidad Europea

Published 2024-07-08


  • Iron Curtain,
  • Soviet Union,
  • Cold War,
  • Czechoslovakia,
  • Prague Spring

How to Cite

Pinto Tortosa, A. J. (2024). The fall of the Iron Curtain through the eyes of a young Jewish man from Prague: analysis of Jonas Fink. Una vida interrumpida (ed. 2019), by Vittorio Giardino. CuCo, Cuadernos De cómic, (22), 98–117.


At the start of the Cold War, Czechoslovakia was not an exception in the way the Communist Party took power, but in civic society’s acceptance and obedience level to it. Dissident spirit, in a people with a majority of educated, middle-class citizens, exploded in the Prague Spring (1968), which anticipated the fall of the Iron Curtain two decades later. Vittorio Giardino, in Jonas Fink. Una vida interrumpida, tells the Czechoslovakian people’s sufferings and the fate of the divergent ones, through the eyes of a character that represents the pressure of Moscow’s yoke: young Jewish man, son of a political prisoner, Jonas Fink, bookseller in Prague.


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