No. 22 (2024): CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic

The imaginary spaces in Felipe Hernández Cava, Enrique Breccia, Federico del Barrio and Ricard Castells' trilogy of Lope de Aguirre (1989-1998)

Martin Juaristi Garamendi
The University of Hong Kong

Published 2024-07-08


  • Imaginary spaces,
  • historical comic,
  • Lope de Aguirre,
  • Amazon,
  • chronicles of the Indies

How to Cite

Juaristi Garamendi, M. (2024). The imaginary spaces in Felipe Hernández Cava, Enrique Breccia, Federico del Barrio and Ricard Castells’ trilogy of Lope de Aguirre (1989-1998). CuCo, Cuadernos De cómic, (22), 118–138.


This article analyzes the construction of imaginary spaces in the three graphic novels that Felipe Hernández Cava devoted to the figure of the rebellious conquistador Lope de Aguirre: La Aventura (1989), La Conjura (1993), and La Expiación (1998). Hernández Cava’s trilogy is worthy of attention due to its notable thematic and formal ambitions, as well as to the visual contrast between the styles of the artists that sign each installment (Enrique Breccia, Federico de Barrio, and Ricard Castells, respectively). These creators stand out in Spanish and Latin American comics for their originality and expressive skill. Their work showcases an approach to a historical space, that of the Amazon of the Spanish conquest, taking advantage of the numerous plastic and narrative resources of comics, which distinguishes it from those present in other media such as literature and cinema. In order to substantiate this affirmation, this work compares Hernández Cava's work with other historiographical, literary, cinematographic, and comic references related to Lope de Aguirre.

Keywords: Imaginary spaces, historical comic, Lope de Aguirre, Amazon, chronicles of the Indies.


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