Editorial Team

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of the journal is responsible for the application of its editorial policy, the management of the official accounts in social networks and their email, as well as the reception of originals for blind peer review and preliminary review. He also watches over compliance with good practices throughout the editorial process and manages the inclusion of the journal in academic indexes and official databases.


Gerardo Vilches Fuentes (European University of Madrid)

Francisco Saez de Adana (Franklin Institute/University of Alcalá)


Octavio Beares San Martín (independent researcher)

Editorial Secretary

Anna Marta Marini (Franklin Institute/University of Alcalá)

Editorial Committee

Viviane Allary (Clermont Auvergne)

Roberto Bartual Moreno (University of Valladolid)

Esther Claudio (University of California in Los Angeles)

Enrique del Rey Cabero (University of Exeter/University of Oxford)

Laura Vazquez (CONICET, University of Buenos Aires)

Scientific Comittee

The Scientific Committee is made up of leading researchers and specialists in the field of comics, coming from both Spanish and international universities. Its job is the advising the Editorial Board, ensuring the scientific rigor of the publication, suggesting content and collaborate in the proposal of blind peer evaluators.

María Abellán (University of Murcia)

Antonio Altarriba (University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

Irene Costa (University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

Raquel Crisóstomo (Pompeu Fabra University)

Amadeo Gandolfo (University of Buenos Aires-CONICET)

Julio Andrés Gracia Lana (University of Zaragoza)

Gino Frezza (Università degli Studi di Salerno)

Óscar Gual Boronat (University of Valencia (General Study))

Elisa G. McCausland (Complutense University of Madrid)

Pepo Pérez (Juan Carlos Pérez García) (University of Malaga)

Iván Pintor Iranzo (Pompeu Fabra University)

Álvaro M. Pons Moreno (University of Valencia (General Study))

Ivan Rodrigues Martin (Federal University of São Paulo)

Pablo Turnes (University of Buenos Aires-CONICET)

Rubén Varillas (University of Salamanca)


Layout and Design

José Martínez Zárate