Artistic research in music

Four scenes and one model for the formative research


  • Rubén López-Cano
  • Úrsula San Cristóbal



artistic research in music, formative artistic research, thesis and final submissions in music, research scenes


There are too many discourses, activities, and specialists who claim that they do artistic research. As it can be observed in the wide bibliography on the topic, there is not one stable definition on the activity. Because of that, we have chosen to distinguish different scenes that call themselves “artistic research” and that are characterized by their goals, objectives, working models, and discourses. Among many other possibilities, four fundamental scenes are studied: professional artistic research, artists doing research, university artists, and formative artistic research. The first part of this paper presents the main characteristics of each scene. Later, we will describe our working model for formative artistic research. Finally, we will offer two cases that illustrate it. In doing so, we propose to conceive the theses, dissertations or final research papers of the different higher musical education cycles, as a knowledge production process of many kinds: conceptual, procedural, theoretical, practical, verbalizable or embedded in bodily skills or in artistic decisions, that each student conducts autonomously, although under supervision, from a meticulous and in-depth study. The latter follows one or more explicit methods that originated both from different consolidated academic traditions, and from emerging strategies of artistic research that are in continuous critical review. It is also characterised by a critical awareness that requires knowing the antecedents, discussions, and points of view on the subject under investigation and tends to build up an informed and thoughtful personal opinion, always bearing in mind the potentialities and limitations of each student. It should be noted that the main goal of this autonomous process of knowledge production is the artistic development of each student.


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2021-03-16 — Updated on 2021-04-05



