ANHAGA, or: The Epistemological Quest in Anne Carson’s “Kinds of Water”


  • Aitana Monzón-Blasco University of Zaragoza



Knowledge; Water; Transmodernism; Limits; Pilgrimage


This paper focuses on Anne Carson’s lyrical essay “Kinds of Water” (1995) as a case of a transmodern text concerned with the consequences of posthumanist suffering, such as the lack of affection or human connection. Establishing a continuum between epistemology and anthropology, Carson presents water as an ungraspable symbol, as a pretext for critical inquiry, self-discover, and acceptance. Taking this element as limitless and fluid, we aim to analyse certain paradoxes related to H2O that psychologically and linguistically affect the narrative voice. These are materiality and fluidity, but also the dichotomy between excess and absence, as well as movement and stillness.


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How to Cite

Monzón-Blasco, A. (2024). ANHAGA, or: The Epistemological Quest in Anne Carson’s “Kinds of Water”. REDEN. Revista Española De Estudios Norteamericanos, 5(2), 192–204.


