The Close-Up Eye-Asymmetry Visual Metaphor Communicates the Abject: Evidence from Batman and Superman Comics


  • Igor Juricevic Indiana University South Bend



Gothic, Comic Books, Comics, Metaphor, Visual Metaphor, Batman, Superman


A distinctive theme of Gothic narratives is the abject. A character that is abject threatens to disrupt boundaries, both personal and societal. As such, the abject character must be rejected or destroyed by society. In this study, I provide evidence that the visual metaphor of Close-Up Eye Asymmetry (CUE-A) communicates the concept of the abject. I compare how often CUE-A is used when depicting Batman compared to Superman in comic books. Overall, I provide evidence that: (1) Batman is Gothic, (2) Batman is more Gothic than Superman, (3) Batman is abject, and (4) Batman is depicted with CUE-A more often than Superman. Taken together, this supports the conclusion that the CUE-A visual metaphor does, in fact, communicate the abject.



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How to Cite

Juricevic, I. (2021). The Close-Up Eye-Asymmetry Visual Metaphor Communicates the Abject: Evidence from Batman and Superman Comics. REDEN. Revista Española De Estudios Norteamericanos, 3(1), 41–64.



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