"Icebox" and the Exceptionality Intrinsic to Institutional Violence on the US-Mexico Border


  • Anna Marta Marini Instituto Franklin-UAH




Central American immigration, border studies, film studies, state of exception, borderlands, US-Mexico border


In 2018, Daniel Sawka directed independent feature length movie Icebox, which narrates the story of a 12-year old Honduran boy whose parents push him to migrate northbound in order to escape forced gang recruitment. Without giving way to ideological bias, Sawka reproduces his journey, providing a useful tool for raising awareness on some of the key matters related to the ongoing debate on US immigration and border policies. The operation of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities and the detention of Central American children at the US- Mexico border represent a transnational gray area in the extension of sovereign power, turning the border itself in a kenotic space of exception legitimated by the construction of a specific public discourse on immigration and national boundaries. Furthermore, the movie describes the existence of the evident normalization of inhumanity intrinsic to the detention process and praxis, leading to dehumanization of detainees and a suspension—both individual and public—of questioning the tasks performed by border enforcement agencies from an ethical or moral perspective.

Author Biography

Anna Marta Marini, Instituto Franklin-UAH

Anna Marta Marini is a PhD fellow at the Instituto Franklin–UAH. She obtained her BA and MA in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation specializing in Anglo American Cultures and Mexican Studies, and a 2nd level postgraduate master’s in Public History. Her dissertation work (realized in collaboration with the CISAN–UNAM) explores the film representation of reciprocate otherness bridging the US–Mexico boundary. Her main research interests are: discursive and cultural representation of the US borderlands and Mexican American communities; CDA related to violence (either direct, structural, or cultural) and discrimination; identity re/construction and narration through cinema and comics.


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Cinematographic references

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How to Cite

Marini, A. M. (2020). "Icebox" and the Exceptionality Intrinsic to Institutional Violence on the US-Mexico Border. REDEN. Revista Española De Estudios Norteamericanos, 2(1), 49–58. https://doi.org/10.37536/reden.2020.2.1382


