Bridging the Gap Between Expectations and Teaching on the Field Practice: Instituto Franklin-UAH as Intercultural Mediator for Language Assistants in Spain


  • Bianca Vitalaru Universidad de Alcalá
  • Iulia Vescan Instituto Franklin-UAH



intercultural mediation, Language Assistants, linguistics, education, bilingualism


Basic research has shown that some differences between educational aspects of Spanish and American culture, such as perceptions about on roles, attitudes, communication, teaching methods and even expectations, can manifest into actual academic difficulties for American Language Assistants in Spanish bilingual schools. This paper will focus on describing the elements that, when analyzed, outline the role of Instituto Franklin-UAH as an intercultural and academic mediator between two cultures and education systems (Spain and US) and the context that justifies the different measures taken to attend to the particular needs or circumstances of the agents involved (students, teachers and academic advisors). Two perspectives will be included: a) a historical one, related to Instituto Franklin-UAH’s background and context related to bilingual teaching; b) an analytical one, focusing, on the one hand, on the perception of the agents involved and, on the other hand, on the actions that have turned Instituto Franklin-UAH into an actual mediator between its students and the schools where they act as Language Assistants. Ultimately, the paper underlines the difference in terms of the perception of the same aspects by the groups involved and the need for measures to improve the communication process between American LAs and Spanish lead teachers in bilingual schools.


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2019-11-30 — Updated on 2021-07-23


How to Cite

Vitalaru, B., & Vescan, I. (2021). Bridging the Gap Between Expectations and Teaching on the Field Practice: Instituto Franklin-UAH as Intercultural Mediator for Language Assistants in Spain. REDEN. Revista Española De Estudios Norteamericanos, 1(1), 117–152. (Original work published November 30, 2019)


