Come Rain or Come Shine: Archer M. Huntington between Spain and the United States


  • Patricia Fernández Lorenzo Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Hispanism, bilateral relations, cultural diplomacy, Spanish culture, Archer Huntington, Hispanic Society of America


Archer M. Huntington (1870-1955), the museum-builder and founderoftheHispanicSocietyofAmericainNewYork,hadalesser known complementary dimension as a cultural bridges-builder between Spain and the United States in moments of conflict and diplomatic tension. With an approach based on his social relations rather than on his artistic collections, this article offers an alternative reading in which Huntington emerges as a friendly figure in bilateral relations who did not passively accept the status quo and who, from the standpoint of culture, contributed to modifying the image of Spain that prevailed in the United States.


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Personal correspondence

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reference made to these sources.

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Huntington Papers. Special Collections Research Center. Syracuse

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Letter of Archer Huntington to Archibald McLeish, 10 June 1940. Anna Hyatt

Huntington Papers. Special Collections Research Center. Syracuse

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The Hispanic Society of America. Foundation Deed, p. 2.




How to Cite

Fernández Lorenzo, P. (2019). Come Rain or Come Shine: Archer M. Huntington between Spain and the United States. REDEN. Revista Española De Estudios Norteamericanos, 1(1), 7-26.


