Analysis of Errors in Oral Production of French L3 Learners of Level A2 at a High School in Ecuador



Palabras clave:

Error analysis, French L3, interlanguage, language interference, oral production, sources of error


The present study explores the possible sources of the most frequent errors in oral production of teenage native Spanish speakers who are learners of French and have also received instruction in English. To attain this objective, online oral interactions in an interview-like setting of 15 students of a private school of Quito and their teacher have been transcribed and analyzed in search of errors. The results show that the most frequent types of erroneous production have to do with form rather than content and do not represent a major impediment to communication. As for their causes, many errors seem to have their origin in the interference of the first or second language, while some others are independent from such languages since both overgeneralization and oversimplification of the target language rules have been recorded.


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